hello world

Study, bootstrap. http://getbootstrap.com/css/

W3-css, link:w3schools.com

I use, dreamWeaver.

Adobe webSite link.

Bootstarp source code.

link that web page


hello World~.link relative page, script js, basic. css. basic template.

 Responsive column resets

 JUST all add=12. row, into col, xs(handphone)all12, sm(tablet)all12, md(desktop)all12.

 My comment.

 Thank you, watching my website.

W3-css, link:w3schools.com

I use, dreamWeaver.

Adobe webSite link.

Bootstarp source code.

link that web page


hello World~.link relative page, script js, basic. css. basic template.

 Responsive column resets

 JUST all add=12. row, into col, xs(handphone)all12, sm(tablet)all12, md(desktop)all12. and over, use clearfix visible-md-block visible-xs-block visible-sm-block. Responsive column resets.

 My comment.

 Thank you, watching my website.



div, classes : container;fixid-width, container-fluid;full-width.

div classes : row, col-xs-4

padding. div class, row.

row-md-*. .col-lg-*.

12 columes.

768px, 992px, 1200px

.col-xs- .col-sm-, .col-md- .col-lg-


.col-md-8 .col-md-4

.col-md-4, .col-md-4, .col-md-4

.col-md-6, .col-md-6

xs, mobile. 12

md, tablet 12

sm, desktop 12

.col-xs-12 = .col-sm-6 = .col-md--8


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